Centre for Research on Biomolecular Interactions presents Prof. Sterghios Moschos, Department of Applied Sciences, Northumberia University.
Title: Understanding SARS-CoV-2 Airborne Transmission: the Role of Exhaled Breath
Abstract: The risk presented by airborne SARS-CoV-2 in the transmission of COVID-19 has been one of the most controversial aspects in managing this pandemic, and arresting superspreader events. This talk will bring together the virological, epidemiological, clinical, and basic science evidence supporting this route of transmission, and demonstrate how a novel exhaled breath collector developed in our lab is helping pinpoint the origin of the virus from the human respiratory tract.
Short Biography: Prof. Moschos is a Molecular Biologist with a PhD in Pharmaceutics (Vaccines) from University College London (2002), and postdoctoral experience at UCL (RNA drug delivery), and the Imperial College National Heart and Lung Institute (microRNA biology). His research at Pfizer UK (2008-11) changed the course of RNA therapeutics use for lung disease and set him onto the path of getting better and more reliable data on what happens with RNA molecules in the lung, non-invasively. An academic since 2011, he has led the UK point of need diagnostics research effort during the 2015 West African Ebola virus outbreak. He’s currently an associate professor of Cellular and Molecular Biology at Northumbria University as well as founder and chief scientific officer of PulmoBioMed Ltd. His research group works on biological lung drug delivery systems, synthesis and biocatalysis of novel oligosaccharide delivery ligands, and RNA drug pharmacogenomics, whilst his company commercialises PBM-HALE, a breath collector for point of need diagnostic and wellbeing use.
Date: Wednesday June 2,2021
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm